Water Capture
Water Capture and Distribution is one of the key issues of our time and is becoming more and more important with each passing year. We must work as a cooperative unit to ensure that everyone has an adequate water supply. Even though great strides are being made all the time, as evidenced by the wonderful innovations and organizations below, we still need to make this a worldwide focus. We are way behind in managing water distribution. Many thanks to all those working so hard around the world to bring usable water to those who are lacking this precious resource! We list many of the organizations below.
We also list links to videos and articles on capturing rainwater and reusing greywater along with the many innovations being developed using solar energy to help capture water from thin air and more.
Check out Managing Earth’s Seawater Desalination page for more on distributing water and for more information on Water Capture, Distribution, and Management advancements on our Pinterest Page.
Nature.com: Get water governance on the global agenda
Greywater recycling Video demonstrating how wastewater from showers, baths, and wash-hand basins is treated up to 2nd class quality, suitable for flushing toilets or for irrigation.
TEDx Teen – How To Turn Thin Air Into Water
Phys.org: New membrane to make freshwater
Interesting Engineering: Robot transforms air into drinking water
Wikipedia: Water Distribution Systems
InceptiveMind: A wind turbine that produces both electricity and drinking water
David The Good’s Video – Top 7 Mistakes to Avoid When Harvesting Rainwater
Concave Roof System Captures Water

Slingshot Water Vapor Distillation System – Vapour Compression Distiller Deka, Sling Shot, Dean Kamen will purify 1000 liters a day without much maintenance or overhaul.
Wikipedia: Atmospheric Water Generator Systems explained
‘Watergenics‘ – ‘Clean water and power solutions’ have developed a Hybrid Atmospheric Water Generation
TreeHugger: ‘The Low Down on Home Water Makers and 7 to Choose From’
‘Innovative System to Extract Water from Air Using Solar Energy’ by www.decodedscience.org
National Geographic speaks to the Fresh Water Crisis
Global Issues: Water Viewed from all angles
Wikipedia: Water issues in developing countries
Do Something: 11 Facts About Water in the Developing World
Distribution of Water – UN.org: Bringing water to Africa’s poor