
Pollinators are vital for our food supply, flowers, shrubs, and trees which are so important for preventing soil erosion, providing habitat for wildlife, shade, oxygen, and many of the world’s oils and raw materials as well as capturing carbon emissions. In fact, three-quarters of flowering plants and approximately 35 percent of all food crops are dependent on pollinators. We need to do all we can to ensure their survival and this page provides many tips on how to do so. Our precious pollinators are challenged by disease, parasites, chemical contaminants, climate change, and loss of habitat, which is why every little thing we can do to help them is appreciated and important. Although the wind is a source of pollination, affecting wildflowers, grasses, and trees it is the live pollinators this page is concerned with helping.

Garden Path’s list of some of the best flowers for attracting pollinators: Borage | Butterfly Bush | Coneflower (Echinacea) | Cow ParsnipDahlia | Daisy | Dandelion | Goldenrod | Lavender | Marigold | Milkweed | Snapdragon | SunflowerOther plants/herbs include Zinnia, Poppy, Aster, Queen Anne’s Lace, Larkspur, Monarda, Cosmos, Oregano, Rosemary, Mint, and Marjoram.

It is advantageous for the pollinators to plant a variety of flower sizes, shapes, colors, plant heights, and plants with varying growth habits to ensure the survival of our pollinators along with planting native plants because of their abundance of nectar and pollen and their higher ability to survive due to being relatively low maintenance, drought tolerant, and generally pest free.

Other than the obvious bees, pollinators include bats, hummingbirds, butterflies, moths, flies, wasps, beetles, lacewings, black-and-white ruffed lemurs, honey possums, blue-tailed day geckos, monkeys, squirrels, mice, and other birds or animals prone to sticking their faces in places where pollen rests.