Storing Energy
This page provides miscellaneous information on both the latest innovations and the tried and true, in the world of Storing Energy. Generators, batteries, chargers, advancements in storing solar energy, and more are highlighted to make capturing and storing energy effective and convenient for off-grid living and mobility. You can also visit our Pinterest page on the subject.
Nature’s Generator – Solar-powered
Best Reviews Guide: 6 Best Solar-powered Generators
GabEnergy: Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Solar Generator
Wagan Solar Generator: Power Cube
Clean Energy Reviews: Best Solar Battery Systems 2021
Solar Reviews: Compare prices and reviews of the best solar battery banks in 2021
Popular Mechanics: This Compressed Air Grid ‘Battery’ Is an Energy Storage Game Changer
Return to Now: Hemp Batteries are Eight Times More Powerful than Lithium, Scientists Discover
Energy Dome to deploy low-cost, long-duration CO2 battery in Italy
Now This Earth: Video on Peat as a Source for Batteries

Sustainable Salt Water Batteries defined on Wikipedia
The Mind Unleashed: Sustainable Salt Water Battery
Aquion Energy: Manufacturers of Saltwater Batteries
Solar, storage lead MISO’s record-setting interconnection queue
EcoSnippets: Scientists Have Created A Molecule That Can Store Solar Energy For 18 Years Ph.D. student may have found a way to make phone batteries last
Inceptive Mind: Rechargeable cement-based batteries could let buildings store energy
Natural Energy Hub: Top 10 Solar Battery Manufacturers in the USA
PV Magazine: Zendure’s plug-and-play solid-state battery for homes
Solar’s Directory of Solar Storage System Manufacturers
Donald Sadoway’s TED Talk covers the future of large-scale batteries that store renewable energy
Gizmodo: New kinds of battery that just might change the world
Alternative Energy News: Battery Developments
Now This Video: Perpetual Energy – Pocket Generator. Using hand motion on a ball designed for generating and storing low levels of power for recharging cell phones when away from electricity.
Electric Co: Six ways to get the best range from your electric car in winter
Pure Solar Energy with Max: Video on How Solar Generators Work
EnergyDome’s system compresses and stores CO2 under pressure at an ambient temperature in a high-density supercritical or liquid state, and releases it in expanded form into a turbine, and stores it back into an atmospheric gasholder, the EnergyDome CO2 ETCC. See EenergyDome’s CO2 battery
Big News: Newly discovered mineral Petrovite could revolutionize batteries