Water Energy
Water Energy abounds all over the world in the form of Tides, Waves, Tidal (Marine) Current, Thermal Gradients, and Salinity. Discover more about Marine Energy on our Pinterest page for Water-Energy. We are benefitting from the countries that have coastlines and are developing projects to harness this sustainable energy, as evidenced by some of the links below. There are even DIY methods to harness the energy found in a river or stream.
Fast Company: Portland’s New Pipes Harvest Power From Drinking Water
Sustainable Marine ~ Coastal and Nearshore Renewable Energy Solutions ~ The first floating tidal power off Nova Scotia. Watch their video: ‘The Power of the Tides’
Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy (FORCE) ~ Tidal Energy
Pelamis Wave Energy Converter is on-site at the European Marine Energy Test Centre.
CNBC: World’s most powerful tidal turbine gears up for operation
Turbine that harnesses the ocean’s limitless energy

Smithsonian Mag offers 7 Unexpected Ways We Can Get Energy From Water
Environmental and Energy Study Institute: Hydropower and Other Water Technologies
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
Watch Tidal Power 101 by Student Energy:
Inceptive Mind: Flexible, seaweed-like generator for harvesting wave energy
BigThink: New membrane enables us to harvest ‘osmotic’ energy from water
EcoSnippets: Free Power For 16 Years From A Modified Washing Machine / Water Wheel
Wikipedia: Marine Current Power

Eco Wave Power’s Conversion Technology Explained in this video
Energy.gov/eere: How Hydro Power works
Canadian Hydrokinetic Turbine Testing Centre
Natural Resources Canada – Canmet ENERGY
Marine Renewable Energy Canada: Details, resources, and a list of those working in the field of Ocean Energy.
Innergex: Hydroelectricity Plant in Canada