Solar Energy Innovations

The world of solar energy innovations has been very exciting to watch, as it has developed a great deal in the last few years. Harnessing the abundant power of one of the earth’s best sustainable resources is getting more sophisticated as the industry grows, and produces smaller and smaller technology designed to capture and store solar energy. Be sure to follow World Solar Resources on Facebook for news on solar energy products, developments, and projects around the world that are helping renewal energy become a strong force in our lives on many levels.

Designers have created solar panels in an ever-expanding variety of forms, from giant revolving flower petals that open and close to glitter-sized solar cells or a thin film that can be carried around on one’s backpack. They even have clear glass panels so you don’t even realize that you are looking through a solar panel. Watch a video of tiny Transparent Solar Panels in action published on Science Nature’s Facebook Page.

Solar Energy InnovationsCountries with huge populations such as China and India are embracing solar energy in a big way as they continue to install huge solar farms. It is especially heartening to see the vast expanses of solar farms being installed on both land and sea. Less developed areas of countries, normally without electricity, are lighting up, heating water tanks, and benefitting in many ways thanks to solar energy innovations. It is exciting to see that engineers have developed a simple way to desalinate water using solar energy as reported by Inceptive Mind.

Keep up to date on the latest developments in technology, policy, and projects in communities and entire cities and countries on Managing Earth’s Pinterest Page. Also, read up and view some videos on some of the new developments in Solar Energy technology by clicking on the links below:

Solar street lightssolar roads and parking lotssolar-powered boats, cars, and aircraftsolar glass panelsglitter-sized solar cells, thin filmed solar cells, solar paintsolar roof shingles, ‘Solar Skin’ panels that match roofssolar panel retracting petals, origami shaped portable chargers, solar blindssolar-powered backpacks, and water heaters.

For more solar energy-related links visit Managing Earth’s Resource Directories and the International Solar Energy Association sites listed below for more information about the industry, regulations, and solar energy innovations from around the world.